- Abstraction:
- Showing the essential details by hiding the complexity.
- In Java, achieved by Interfaces, Abstract classes.
- Encapsulation:
- Hiding the information. Can be field level or behavioural level.
- In Java, achieved by access specifiers.
- Inheritance:
- Inhering properties, methods of another class to avoid code duplication.
- In Java, achieved Extending a class or implementing any interface.
- Polymorphism:
- Allows the actual object to be decided at runtime, basically a subclass/interface can stand in for super class.
- In Java, achieved Extending a class or implementing any interface.
SOLID Principles
- Single Responsibility Priniciple
- One class should own a single responsibilty.
- Open-Closed Priniciple
- classes should be open for extension, closed for modification.
- Can be achieved by inheritance.
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- When you inherit a class, you should be able to substitute super class methods on sub class methods without any hussle.
- Interface segregation Principle
- Seggregate the interfaces in a way client can use.
- Dependency injection Principle
- High level module should not depend on low level module.
- Favor composition over inheritence.
- Program to an interface not implementation.
- DRY: Donot repeat yourself
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